Monday, May 1, 2006

The Sangha

I know that many people in the Blangha and beyond have tackled this question but I would still like to pose it here.

What does "sangha" mean to you?

Traditionally it has meant the body of monks and not so much the laity. Even today in many eastern countries the laity isn't considered apart of the sangha. Here in the west the laity is apart of the sangha as much as the monk sanghas.

Then there are the online sanghas or "blanghas" (or whatever catchy, snappy term you wish to call them).

For me it depends. I frequent a "physical" sangha from time to time. However, since I have schizoaffective disorder and thus a bit of agrophobia and anxiety when around others I tend to prefer the online communities for a regular connection to other Buddhists.

And then there are all the books and retreats that make the teachings of the great teachers more accessable to everyone. However especially to those living in areas without a physical sangha or to those who have other obstacles that keep them from being able to physically hear the mesage of the teachers and/or monks. Also email provides a great avenue for people to be in touch with teachers and ask them questions about ones personal practice.

How can any of us judge which of the above options (or others not mentioned) is more "Buddhist" or "acceptable" then the other? Isn't the most important thing that people stay connected with other Buddhists and teachers one way or another??

Would love your thoughts here.

By the way this also applies to those who are Christian or of other faiths. Is one more "holier then thou" in regular church, mosque, synogue, temple attendance or does it not matter "where" or with "whom" you "worship" or "commune?"

PHOTO CREDIT: It's a painting done by (I think) Ralph A. Schultz

-Peace to all beings-

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