Sunday, May 21, 2006

Thoughts on Self-Hatred, Hyper-Perfectionism and Self-Punitive Guilt in Spirituality

As many of you know, being severally hard on myself has been a big obstacle for me over the years. However, I am making progress thanks to meditation, mindfulness and the process of detaching, watching and observing. Another aspect to my healing and moving on from this perfectionism in following my spiritual path has been the words of the Great Mystic Dr. David R. Hawkins. And I wanted to share some of the quotes from his current book that have really helped me begin to soften up on myself so that I can finally make progress past this negative and retardive hyper perfectionist (in regards to spirituality) habit energy.

So without further ado I offer you the words of Dr. Hawkins from his book, Trascending the Levels of Consciousness: The Stairway to Enlightenment:

"Anxieties and uncertainties are accepted as normal and concomitant to growth."

"Successful self-inquiry requires a realistic appraisal of the limitations of human development and tolerance for both ambiguity and the normalcy of being less than perfect."

"The lower emotions still erupt periodically and require correction, but they are now unwelcome rather then sought or valued."

"Fear of failure is diminished by realizing that one is responsible for the intention and effort but not the result, which is dependent on many other conditions and factors that are nonpersonal."

"Transitory difficulties of social realities are ACCEPTED ASPECTS OF HUMAN LIFE rather than being seen as personal insults."

James's comment: I hope some of these words help you as much as they have helped me.

The following is the review that I wrote for Dr. Hawkins and his manuals/books:

add my voice to the chorus of others speaking about this man changing their lives. His books have been THE motivators and manuals in my spiritual development, realization and advancments.

I too had the chance to attend one of his seminars and the energy in the conference was amazing. If he is in your area then I HIGLY recommend that you attend as this man is probably the most inspiring person, mystic and teacher on the planet today.

At the seminar I attended I had the chance to meet Dr. Hawkins up-close. I asked for a picture and put my arm around him for the photo. As I placed my hand around him his beautiful energy poured into mine and I was instantly invigorated and blostered. He then looked up at me and said, "Hello. It's good to see you."I was so touched that he seemed to recognize my energy and I came away from the whole experience exhausted but floating on air.

Again, I urge ANY spiritual aspirant (regardless of your "religion," if you have one) to get and read all of his books. They WILL change your life for ever and for the better. Namaste.

-Peace to all beings-

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