Saturday, September 2, 2006

Don't Chase the Past, Don't Seek the Future.

The first step ... is to cut off the chain of associated concepts and words that flood the mind, holding it with recollection on the present, on what is. Thus in a famous verse, the Buddha used to say, "Don't chase after the past, don't seek the future; the past is gone, the future hasn't come. But see clearly on the spot, that object which is now, while finding and living in a still, unmoving state of mind."

--Bhikkhu Mangalo, The Practice of Recollection

James: As with all teachings it seems, this one came at the right moment. My disability hearing is coming up on the 6th and most of last week I was so stressed out that my stomach was in knots. Starting yesterday though I began to breath and remember this priceless teaching. I have planned as much as I can for this hearing and now I am letting go of it. It has been over two years in the making and now I have to let the final moment unfold as it will. I can not control what the judge will decide. In fact, there is not much I can control at all so I might as well breath deeply and ride the wave. Why go against the current if I don't have to? I am not going to fight a fight that has yet to appear.

I'm sure I will be stressed on hearing day when I go before the judge but I am not going to stress over it right now. I am not going to loose my mindfulness over this hearing. Even we don't win, it is not worth loosing my inner peace over. Life will go on and I will deal with whatever moment arises then. Right now I am breathing deeply and that is my only reality.

The only thing I ask is that you keep me in your thoughts on 6 September around 2:00 mountain time. Thanks everyone for your support.

~Peace to all beings~

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