Monday, September 25, 2006

Nothing and Everything and Between the Two My Life Flows.

The great Indian teacher Nisargadatta Maharaj once said, "Wisdom tells me I am nothing. Love tells me I am everything. Between the two my life flows." "I am nothing" does not mean that there is a bleak wasteland within. It does mean that with awareness we open to a clear, unimpeded space, without center or periphery--nothing separate. If we are nothing, there is nothing at all to serve as a barrier to our boundless expression of love. Being nothing in this way, we are also, inevitably, everything. "Everything" does not mean self-aggrandizement, but a decisive recognition of interconnection; we are not separate. Both the clear, open space of "nothing" and the interconnectedness of "everything" awaken us to our true nature. This is the truth we contact when we meditate, a sense of unity beyond suffering. It is always present; we merely need to be able to access it.

--Sharon Salzberg, Lovingkindness

James: I breath in interconnectedness of all things and breath out the Universe. I am always present in you especially in your darkness moments. Death is merely an exhale and birth a new breath. I feel the Infinite consciouness of freedom in your smile. Your peace is my peace and your pain is my pain. I am you and you are me. Together we are stronger then steel and sharper then diamonds. With the reality of this inconnectivity we bend when needed but do not break for we are two links in the unbreakable chain of the Infinite One. Our clear and sharp mindfulness of the Higher Diamond Self cuts through delusions, illusions and the ego self as a knife shreds through paper.

Reality is unfolding as it should and we are integrated into the very heart of this all encompassing, Enlightened Presence. The all poweful light of this ultimate consciousness fills the darkest caves and the most awesome black holes. There is no place where the Unexplainable Divine is not present. Rejoice in this moment for it is the door beyond which samsara fades away. Let us go beyond all doors, explode and merge into the pure light of MahaPariNirvana. There is no other reality then this. OM.

~Peace to all beings~

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