Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Autumn Observations.

It has been a lovely, deary, over-cast, rainy past two days. There is a chill of change in the body and I welcome it with open arms. Change always brings new opportunities, new vistas and lessons to grow. A beautiful gift of new beginnings.

Dew shines all over the front juniper hedge as if diamonds where attached to every little, green, node of every branch. The birds fluff their feathers out to battle the chilly air and huddle around the bird feeder. They are so determined to keep their energy and body heat up that they barely spook or notice when walking in front of the window. Their chirping is reduced to little peeps and I smile with how cute that is to my ears. They are such delicate, precious creatures that are no more or no less important then the largest whale or elephant. It is my honor and responsibility to offer them food as I have taken vows of compassion and kindness towards all creatures.

Golden colored leaves have decended to rest in the grasp of the pine green hedge creating a relaxing yin and yang color contrast. The leaves are falling in a gentle dying process where they will become compost for gardens in the spring. New life will spring from their demise and the well known cycle of this life will continue. Pumpkins are born when most fruits and vegetables have long shriveled up and died. A beautiful, orange, plump reminder that events will unfold in their own time and there is no use clutching them and trying to control their karmic DNA. Such prideful action only leaves us tired, frustrated and unbalanced.

Isn't autumn wonderful?!!

Breathing in, I take in the peace of the moment. Breathing out I realize the impermanence of the peaceful moment.

PHOTO CREDIT: Autumn in Denali National Park.

~Peace to all beings

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