Friday, October 6, 2006

The Internet or Meditation? Meditation.

Got up this morning and once again gave into my habit energy to check my email before meditating but ran into a problem. My connection was down and I couldn't fix it. I tried all the usual fixes but still nothing. I was getting frustrated. Then it dawned on me. MEDITATE YOU FOOL!!! It was an "ah hah" moment. So instead of getting more and more rapped up in foolishly trying to change the impermance of computer connections and getting more and more upset and thus loosing my peacefulness--I plopped down on the cushion.

It was as if Avalokiteshvara was gently reminding me that the only answer to this (or any) "problem" was to sit, meditate and relax. Give yourself some time to calm down and settle back into the moment. True awareness of the world realizes a life that is always peaceful whether I am having connection problems or whatever. Peace is available always if we relax enough to let go of our miopic vision and see that peace through the shifting clouds. Easier said then done but well worth it.

OH!! And I had my own bird moment while meditating!! I rather enjoyed as it reminded me of the silly nature of life. I laughed as the bird called out his unique call. He/she was talking to me and telling me jokes. How could I not laugh?!! ;)

And the internet connection? It was up and strong after I was done with my meditation. I am learning a greater patience with each moment. I am so very grateful for the path of the Dharma that the Buddha laid out and the endless compassion of Avalokiteshvara.

~Peace to all beings~

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