Friday, January 20, 2006

Thoughts from Sri Aurobindo

An original and ultimate consciousness would be a consciousness of the Infinite and necessarily unitarian in its view of diversity, intergal, all-accepting, all embracing, all-discrimination because all-determining, an invisible whole-vision.

To understand truly the world-process of the Infinite and the Time-process of the Eternal, the consciousness must pass beyond this finite reason and the finite sense to a larger reason and spiritual sense in touch with the consciousness of the Infinite and responsive to the logic of the Infinite which is the very logic of being itself and arises inevitably from its self -operation of its own realities, a logic whose sequences are not the steps of thought but the steps of existence.


Earth is not limited by the vessels made from it, nor air by the winds that move in it, nor the sea by the waves that rise on its surface. This impression of limitation belongs only to the mind and sense which see the finite as if it were an independent entity separating itself from the Infinite or something cut out of it by limitation: it is this impression that is illusory, but neither the infinite nor the finite is an illusion; for neither exists by the impressions of the sense or the mind, they depend for the existence on the Absolute.


The Absolute is in itself indefinable by reason, ineffable to the speech; it has to be approached through experiene.

James: Excerpts from the book, "The Life Divine" by Sri Aurobindo.

-Peace to all beings-

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