Tuesday, July 17, 2007

For the Love of Blogs

Without wanting to seem presumptuous, I have been thinking about making a practice of including occasional “reviews” of other blogs in "The Buddha Diaries". I know I get lazy about checking in with those I have come to think of as my valued colleagues, even if we have no contact other than the occasional comment on a post, so I’m trusting that this plan will help to remind me to stay abreast of what might be on the minds of the like-minded! And then there’s the obvious selfish reason: I’d love for them, likewise, to keep checking in with me. So here’s the first in what I intend to be a regular event in "The Buddha Diaries"—though the choices, be it said, represent no ordering or priority.

Pax et lux

I decided, yesterday, to contact Liberata at Pax et lux. I was sure that she would be aware of the scheduled execution of Troy Anthony Davis, set for today, Tuesday, but I thought I could wangle her signature for the petition (see yesterday’s entry) just in case she had not already signed it. "Pax et lux" is a wonderful read for anyone who is as outraged as I am by the suspension of Habeas Corpus and the extra-legal, often brutal treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo (and elsewhere) under the false pretense of protecting America and its democracy. Liberata, as I understand it, is a Quaker, and she takes her non-violence and her dedication to social justice seriously. She is eloquent in her passionate denunciation of the Iraq war and other Bushian follies, and is notable for the simple human decency of her approach. We need more like her, who are prepared to put in the effort that it takes to make her feelings known.

Integral Options Cafe

Next, try reading Bill’s recent holistic thoughts at Integral Options Café about obesity and fitness in America and see if it doesn’t strike home. It does with me. Along with too many others, I eat more than I need to, with a resulting bulge in undesirable places. Bill is not only a smart blogger with a decidedly Buddhist bent (I found his site originally because of its selection as “Blog of the Year”—or some such honor—on one of those sites that brings us all together) but also a fitness instructor. I’d sign up to work out with him tomorrow if he wasn’t so far away, and I don’t suppose it can be done too easily online. I have to admit I’m a little intimidated by the picture on his bio page (take a peek!), but I’m trusting that it’s not Bill himself who’s pictured there.

Here's what Bill says about himself on his bio page: "We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thought. With our thoughts, we make our world." ~The Buddha. And I love the Theodore Roethke poem he posted today!


So that’s a start. I actually love this blogging business. I have found that it enhances every other piece of writing that I do, professionally: the ideas and words flow easier than ever before, and I'm sure it's thanks to this daily practice of simply showing up and letting it out. I trust that my references to colleagues will bring offense to no one, and will succeed only in drawing attention to excellence in the art of bloggery.

By the way, in case some readers were not aware of it: I'm not sure about others but I suspect that we all immensely value comments. I confess that I was surprised and sad, the other day, when I posted what I thought was a beautiful short poem in memory of Lady Bird Johnson and heard only the echo of my own voice in the silence of the blogosphere. My sitemeter reports good news about an internationally expanding readership. It would mean a great deal to me to hear from time to time a word or two from readers out there in far parts of the world. Asia? Down under? It's wonderful to know that people in those parts are reading my few words, and I'd love to hear from them. Consider this a request…

As a footnote: I'm much relieved to hear that Troy Anthony Davis yesterday was granted a reprieve from his scheduled execution date, today. Would it be too much to hope that the State of Georgia might rethink its death penalty policy before October, when the review of the Davis case must be concluded?

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