Friday, July 6, 2007

Happy Birthday H.H. Dalai Lama!!!

Happy continuation (birthday) day Dalai Lama!!! He was born July 6th 1935 which makes him 72 years old. Despite his age he seems to be going strong as he travels the world as much (if not more) then a rock star. His lips form a relaxed but sincere smile that reflects his strong aura of serenity and innocence.

This is one of my favorite photos of the venerable monk. There is so much compassion, kindness and wisdom in that face. His eyes appear to be doorways to enlightenment and sparkle with happiness and peace.

I do not follow in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, however, I have great respect for it and their spiritual leader--the Dalai Lama. His Holiness has had a major impact in bringing Buddhism to the west, building it up in the west and maintaining it around the world.

He is indeed one of the most enlightened beings in this space and time where we find ourselves yet he often refers to himself as, "a simple monk." He is a precious jewel not only to Buddhists but to the entire world as he strives for peace in the world.

May we all learn from his great experience and wisdom.

Also: For what it is worth, tomorrow is 7-7-07 which according to numerologists is a lucky day and a good day to meditate.

~Peace to all beings~

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