Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Healing: Feeling the Toes

It's been a while since I mentioned my friend and miracle-worker Dr. Steve in these pages. I had a follow-up appointment with him yesterday, and had him check out a problem I've been having with two toes on my right foot. Don't laugh. It's very distracting to have two toes permanently tingling and numb! Readers might remember the story of my right hip, an area in which I had been experiencing pain for months--even waking up with it every night. I had visions of that hip replacement surgery that seems so common these days. It's the Western medical way. One visit to Dr. Steve--my first--two or three months ago, and the pain was gone, and I'm here to report that it has not returned. I have returned a couple of times since, and after each visit I feel a great resurgence of energy and well-being. Those interested could do a simple search back through The Buddha Diaires to learn more.

Anyway, I got some good help with those toes. The numbness hasn't quite completely disappeared, but I'm beginning to be able to feel their presence once again. Thanks, Steve.

The day looms large ahead of me. I'm working on a monograph for an artist, which promises to be a challenging and complex task, and my head is already moving ahead into what needs to be said. So I'm giving The Buddha Diaires short shrift this morning. But I'll leave you with a link that will bring a smile to your face. A chain of events that surely Buddhists (an non-Buddhists) will enjoy. It starts with a wake-up call. Thanks to my friend Michael for sending it to me.

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